Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

"Westminster Abbey"

I recently got a set of Purcell's complete chamber music (which I have yet to listen to), and I realized that the only Purcell music I'm familiar with is Dido & Aeneas, a tune used in some film soundtracks, and this hymn tune (which is apparently adapted from something else he wrote).  So I thought I'd do that this week.

I recorded this about a year ago, but that was the Hymnal Supplement 98 arrangement.  This is one verse of the Lutheran Worship arrangement (#186) and one verse of the Lutheran Service Book arrangement (#519 [it's also #909 and #914]).  There's actually a difference in the main melody in the fourth musical phrase, which I hadn't noticed before.  A quarter note in the LW arrangement is a pair of eighth notes in the LSB arrangement.