Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

James Bastien's Great Hymns Arranged for Organ

One of my musical projects for 2023 was to work through James Bastien's Great Hymns Arranged for Organ.  I used the "mellow" drawbar organ sound on my Hammond SKX, with the Hammond XPK-130G for the pedal part, and I followed the registrations in the book but not the vibrato/chorus suggestions.  I posted the pieces under the titles given in the book (which are the titles of the associated texts), but in the tags for the individual posts, I put the names of the tunes, given here in parentheses.
  1. "Just As I Am" ("Woodworth")
  2. "Sweet Hour of Prayer" ("Sweet Hour of Prayer, Sweet Hour of Prayer")
  3. "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" ("Olivet")
  4. "Rock of Ages" ("Toplady")
  5. "Just a Closer Walk with Thee" ("Closer Walk")
  6. "Jesus Calls Us" ("Galilee")
  7. "Nearer, My God, to Thee" ("Bethany")
  8. "Break Thou the Bread of Life" ("Bread of Life")
  9. "Sun of My Soul" ("Grosser Gott")
  10. "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" ("Martyn")
  11. "Praise to the Lord" ("Lobe den Herren den")
  12. "Amazing Grace" ("New Britain")
  13. "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" ("Beautiful Isle")
  14. "Jesus Shall Reign" ("Duke Street")
  15. "We Gather Together" ("Kremser")
  16. "Come, Thou Almighty King" ("Italian Hymn")
  17. "Now Thank We All Our God" ("Nun danket alle Gott")
  18. "Joy to the World" ("Antioch")
  19. "O Come, All Ye Faithful" ("Adeste fideles")
  20. "More Love to Thee" ("More Love to Thee")
  21. "Come, Christians, Join to Sing" ("Madrid")
  22. "In the Cross of Christ I Glory" ("Rathbun")
  23. "Blest Be the Tie That Binds" ("Dennis")
  24. "Onward, Christian Soldiers" ("St. Gertrude")
  25. "Fairest Lord Jesus" ("Schönster Herr Jesu")
  26. "Glory Be to the Father"
  27. "Faith of Our Fathers" ("St. Catherine")
  28. "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord" ("St. Thomas")
  29. "Take My Life and Let It Be" ("Hendon")
  30. "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" ("Hamburg")
  31. "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" ("Webb")
  32. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" ("Friend" or "Converse")
  33. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" ("Coronation")
  34. "He Leadeth Me" ("He Leadeth Me")
  35. "Lead On, O King Eternal" ("Lancashire")
  36. "Crown Him with Many Crowns" ("Diademata")
  37. "Holy, Holy, Holy" ("Nicaea")
  38. "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" ("Easter Hymn")
  39. "Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow" ("Old Hundredth")