Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, August 25, 2017

"Up through Endless Ranks of Angels"

Around the time of Ascension Day a few months ago, I happened to be transcribing hymns about the Ascension.  I found a few musical/textual connections in "Up through Endless Ranks of Angels," sung to the tune "Ascended Triumph."

The beginning of the first and third musical phrases (which are the same) ascends:

In the first verse, the lines sung to these ascending phrases mention Christ's Ascension:  "Up through endless ranks of angels" and "To His heav'nly throne ascending."

The fifth musical phrase descends:

and in the first verse, the line there is "Christ looks down upon His faithful."  Instead of pairing of an ascending musical phrase with a line about Christ's Ascension, this is sort of the opposite: a line about Christ's looking down, sung to a descending phrase.