Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, May 18, 2018

"'How Shall They Hear,' Who Have Not Heard"

Months ago, one of the hymns in church was "'How Shall They Hear,' Who Have Not Heard," and I noticed a couple things about it.  The tune is "Angelus," which - with some slight changes - is also used for the "Agnus Dei" in Divine Service, Setting Four in The Lutheran Service Book.  Here's the first musical phrase:

In the second verse, the text here is "'To all the world,' to ev'ry place."  "World" is sung with a melisma, giving a musical sense of the breadth of "ev'ry place."  In the third verse, the text here is "'Whom shall I send?' Who hears the call."  "Send" is sung with that same melisma, which now gives a musical sense of the movement of "send[ing]."

Here's the second musical phrase:

In the fifth verse, the text here is "Spirit of truth, in pow'r come down!" and there's a musical descent to represent that "com[ing] down!"