Beneath LSB #887 "Now the Light Has Gone Away," there's a note: "The text of the German hymn 'Müde bin ich, geh zur Ruh,' [sic] also sung to this tune, is provided for those who remember it as their bedtime prayer during childhood." (LSB sometimes lacks apostrophes in the German titles; this should be "Müde bin ich, geh' zur Ruh'.") I don't plan on writing about hymns in other languages, but I'm making an exception here because this one is included in LSB.
Last year, I noticed a small feature in the third verse:
Alle, die mir sind verwandt,Gott, laß ruh'n in deiner Hand;Alle Menschen groß und kleinSollen dir befohlen sein.
In a more prosaic translation, this is: "God, let all who are related to me rest in Your hand; all people big and small should be under Your command."
The description "groß und klein" ("big and small") is a merism.