Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, March 5, 2021

"Hosanna, Loud Hosanna"

I have a few things from quite a few years ago to note about "Hosanna, Loud Hosanna," sung to the tune "Ellacombe."  Here are the third and fourth musical phrases, repeated later as the seventh and eight phrases:

In the second verse, the text in the third and fourth lines is "The victor palm branch waving / And chanting clear and loud."  "Waving" is sung with a melisma (C# D E), giving something of an impression of its meaning.

In the fourth verse, the text in the seventh and eighth lines is "And in His blissful presence / Eternally rejoice!"  Here, "eternally" is sung with a melisma (E F# G# A A), giving a sense of duration.

There's a similar feature in the preceding two lines of the fourth verse:  "Oh, may we ever praise Him / With heart and life and voice," sung to these phrases:

"Praise" is sung with a melisma (B G# A), giving a sense of "ever."