Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, July 22, 2022

"Beautiful Savior"

On Worship Anew this week, Pastor Ahlersmeyer mentioned and sang some of "Beautiful Savior" in his sermon.  I noticed a few features in the fourth and fifth lines, sung to these phrases from the tune "Schönster Herr Jesu":

In the second verse, the text here is "Jesus is fairer, / Jesus is purer," and in the third verse, the text is "Jesus shines brighter, / Jesus shines purer."  "Fairer," "brighter," and both "purer"s are all sung with melismas (Bb G Ab for the first two, Ab F G for the second two).  These articulations emphasize these comparative adjectives and comparative adverbs.  It's as if there are more notes to indicate these higher degrees.