Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, September 30, 2022

"O God of Light"

I noticed a couple small features in "O God of Light," sung to the tune "Atkinson."  Here's the second musical phrase:

In the fourth verse, the text here, describing the "summons You are sending" from the previous line, is "Through all the earth, to ev'ry land and race."  The notes to which "Through all the earth" is sung encompass an octave (D B G D), and this span provides a sense of the entirety of "all."  (The previous line has the same feature, with "To all the world" sung to the same four notes.)  "Land" is sung with a melisma (A G), musically giving a sense of the breadth of "ev'ry."