There's a B natural accidental, and to some degree, this complements the greatest/least merism. The extreme opposites of the merism and this foreign tonality both provide a sense of range.
Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.
Friday, September 1, 2023
"Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord"
When I wrote about the Biblical sources for "Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord" a little over a year ago, I noted that "For greatest and for least" is a merism. The hymn is sung to the tune "Old 124th," and when I recorded the arrangement in The Lutheran Hymnal recently (where the hymn has a slightly different title: "Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord"), I noticed something else about this merism. Here's the musical phrase to which the line "Offered was He for greatest and for least" is sung: