Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, September 1, 2023

"Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord"

When I wrote about the Biblical sources for "Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord" a little over a year ago, I noted that "For greatest and for least" is a merism.  The hymn is sung to the tune "Old 124th," and when I recorded the arrangement in The Lutheran Hymnal recently (where the hymn has a slightly different title:  "Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord"), I noticed something else about this merism.  Here's the musical phrase to which the line "Offered was He for greatest and for least" is sung:

There's a B natural accidental, and to some degree, this complements the greatest/least merism.  The extreme opposites of the merism and this foreign tonality both provide a sense of range.