In the first verse, the text here is "Only-begotten, Word of God eternal," and in the fourth verse, the text is "God in three persons, Father everlasting." "Eternal" and "everlasting" are both sung with a melisma (G F E D and F G F E D, respectively), and since the words are drawn out, there's a sense of duration.
Here's the second musical phrase:
In the third verse, the text here is "By Your past blessings, by your present bounty." Here, "bounty" is sung with a melisma (C B A), providing a sense of that abundance.
The fourth verse ends with the lines "To You be praises, thanks, and adoration, / Glory forever," and the last line is sung to this musical phrase:
As with "eternal" and "everlasting" above, "forever" is sung with a melisma (E F E D), giving a sense of duration.