Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, December 29, 2023

"To God the Anthem Raising" (TLH #112)

I'd noticed a number of features in "To God the Anthem Raising" (TLH #112), but since it's in the New Year's Eve section, I've been waiting to write about it until it was seasonally appropriate.

The hymn is sung to the tune "Helft mir Gott's Güte."  Here are the first two musical phrases:

In the first verse, the text is "To God the anthem raising, / Sing, Christians, great and small."  "Raising" is sung to an ascending group of notes (A Bb C), so there's a sense of the word's meaning.

In the second verse, the text is "Let us consider rightly / His mercies manifold."  One of the syllables of "manifold" is sung with an accidental (an F#), and this foreign tonality gives a sense of that variety.  In the third verse, the text is "To Church and State He granted / His peace in ev'ry place," and a similar feature is present with the accidental in "ev'ry," giving a sense of the breadth of "ev'ry place."

Throughout the text, there are also a number of merisms:  "great and small," "one and all," "far and near," and "The great ones and the small."