Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, March 7, 2025

"Jesus on the Mountain Peak"

Last year, I found a small feature in "Jesus on the Mountain Peak."  It's a Transfiguration hymn, though, so I had to wait a while until it was seasonally appropriate to write about.

The hymn is sung to the tune "Seward."  Here's the fourth musical phrase:

In the fourth verse, the text here is "All creation shall adore Him!"  "Creation" is sung with a melisma (A G F# D), giving a sense of the entirety of "all."

In looking at the hymn again in order to write this post, I also noticed that the phrase "All creation" is sung to notes of all different pitches (spanning a sixth:  B | A G F# D), and this also provides a sense of breadth.