Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, September 1, 2017

"Entrust Your Days and Burdens"

Because I publish only one of these types of posts a week, there's a difference of a few months between when I notice something and when I actually write about it, and because of that, I can't quite remember the circumstances under which I lookt at "Entrust Your Days and Burdens" back in May (I think was a hymn I'd sung in church that week).

In any case, I noticed something about the line "Make His work your foundation" in the second verse.  The hymn is sung to the tune "Sufficientia," and that particular line is sung to this phrase (with the notes to which "foundation" is sung in brackets):

The tune is in C major, and the first and last syllables of "foundation" are sung to C notes.  C is the note that the key is based on, so there's a musical representation of that "foundation."