Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, June 21, 2019

"Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay"

During the Trinity Sunday service this week (although I actually went to church on Saturday night), I noticed a few things in the hymn "Triune God, Be Thou Our Stay," sung to the tune "Gott der Vater, wohn uns bei."

The line "And grant us life forever" is sung to this phrase:

"Forever" is sung with a melisma (F E D C), musically giving a sense of duration.

"With humble hearts and lowly" is sung to this phrase:

"Lowly" is sung to a group of descending notes (E D C), musically giving a sense of a bowing humility.  It's also sung with a melisma, which emphasizes the effect.

"With all true Christians running" is sung to this phrase:

"Running" is sung with a melisma (B A G), musically giving a sense of movement.  It's also sung diatonically, so there's even a musical representation of individual steps.