Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, March 13, 2020

"All Glory Be to God on High"

One of the hymns in Worship Anew's 2,000th program a little over a year ago was "All Glory Be to God on High."  Only one verse was sung, but between listening to that and then looking at the hymn myself, I found a handful of things to write about.

The second line of the first verse is "And thanks for all His favor," sung to this phrase from the tune "Allein Gott in der Höh'."

Both "all" and "favor" are sung with melismas (Bb A and F E F respectively), musically giving a sense of amount.

In the second verse, the text here is "We give You thanks forever."  This is the first of three "forever"s in the hymn that are sung with a melisma to give a sense of duration.  Coincidentally, they're all sung to the notes G F E F.

The second melisma'd "forever" is in the lines "No harm can touch or terrify / A child of God forever" in the first verse.  The second of those two lines is sung to the same musical phrase as above (the second musical phrase is repeated as the fourth musical phrase).

The third is in the last line of the fourth verse (also the last line of the hymn):  "To this we hold forever" (the "this" is that Christ's "death upon a tree / Has rescued us from misery"), sung to this phrase:

In the second verse, the text here is "Lord, grant us ev'ry blessing!" and "blessing" is sung with a melisma (F E F), giving a sense of amount.