Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

"Consolation" (TLH #149)

I transposed this from Ab major to G major because I don't really like the flat keys (and besides, in my opinion, G major is the best key for mandolin).

In The Lutheran Hymnal, hymn #149 is "Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain."  The Lutheran Service Book uses this same tune for its "Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain" (#435), but there it has the title "Naar mit öie."  LSB also has a tune called "Consolation" (probably best known as the tune for "The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns," LSB #348), but it's an entirely different tune!  I used the title "Consolation" in the video, but since my blog is mostly focused on LSB, I'm tagging it with "Naar mit öie."