Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, October 1, 2021

"Father Most Holy"

While working on the post about the Biblical sources of "Father Most Holy" last year, I noticed some small features in the hymn.  It's sung to the tune "Christe sanctorum"; here's the last musical phrase:

The end of the second verse calls the Trinity "Hope of all living."  "Living" is sung with a melisma (F# E D), musically giving a sense of the entirety of that "all."

The fourth verse ends with the lines "Glory we offer, praise Thee and adore Thee, / Now and forever."  Here, "forever" is sung with a melisma (G F# E D), musically giving a sense of duration.

The whole note in this phrase is the longest note value in the entire tune, and it also provides a sense of the breadth of "all living" and the duration of "forever."