Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, November 8, 2019

"For All the Saints"

All Saints' Day was observed on Sunday, and - of course - "For All the Saints" was one of the hymns in church.  I noticed a couple things while singing it, re-discovered a note about something else I'd noticed a year ago and hadn't written about yet, and found yet an-other thing while looking at the hymn again in order to write this post.

The tune to which the hymn is sung is titled "Sine nomine," which I think might be something of a joke because this means "without a name" in Latin.  I should also note that from verse to verse there are occasionally some differences in the music in order to accommodate the text.

Here's the first musical phrase:

In the second verse, the text here is "Thou wast their rock, their fortress, and their might."  The tune is in G major, and "rock" is sung to a G (the tonic note), so there's a musical representation of that firm foundation.

In the fifth verse, the text is "And when the fight is fierce, the warfare long."  "Long" is sung to a whole note, and since this is the longest note in the phrase, there's a sense of duration.

The third musical phrase:

In the first verse, the text here is "Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest."  "Forever" is sung with a melisma (D C B A G), musically giving a sense of duration.

In the fourth verse, the text is "Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine."  Here, "all" is sung with a melisma (C B), musically giving something of a sense of entirety.