Unless stated otherwise, my source for hymn texts and tunes is The Lutheran Service Book.

Friday, July 14, 2017

"All Christians Who Have Been Baptized"

A couple months ago, one of the hymns I sang in church was "All Christians Who Have Been Baptized," sung to the tune "Nun freut euch."  I noticed a couple instances where "forever" is sung with more syllables than it's spoken with.

The second line of the fifth verse is "And give God thanks forever!" sung to this musical phrase:

The end of the sixth verse is
Until that day when you possess
His glorious robe of righteousness
Bestowed on you forever!
The last of these three lines is sung to this musical phrase:

"Forever" is spoken with three syllables, but in these two phrases, it's sung to four (the last four notes in each phrase), so there's something of a musical representation of that long period of time.